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Conference dinner:  There will be a conference dinner on Thursday, May 16, at which we will celebrate Mariusz UrbaÅ„ski receiving the 2023 SierpiÅ„ski Medal. Mariusz has had a tremendous impact on the field of dynamics, having authored more than 200 research papers and 17 books and monographs. He is also listed among the top 2% of cited mathematicians worldwide. In addition to his research achievements, he has been a highly valued colleague and mentor, having graduated 15 Ph.D. students to date.


The conference dinner will be in the Gateway Center, room 34 from 6:30-8:30 pm. The bar opens at 6:00 pm.



Directions to the Gateway Center from the BLB:


It is approximately a 10-minute walk from the BLB to the Gateway Center. The Gateway Center is indicated by the red arrow near the bottom center of this campus map.

  1. From the first floor of the BLB, exit through the main entrance doors in the NW corner of the building. (Alternatively, from the zeroth floor, exit to the East, and turn left twice.)

  2. Head West on Highland Street until you reach the intersection with Avenue C.

  3. Cross Avenue C, and take the broad walking path that goes diagonally to the Southwest.

  4. Cross Maple Street, and keep following the path all the way to the end; you have then reached the Gateway Center.

  5. Pass underneath the building, go down the stairs, and turn right. Enter the building through any of the sets of double doors. Room 34 is just to the left of the restrooms.


If you have a guest parking permit:  We recommend moving your car from lot 49 to lot 20, which is the large lot on the other side of North Texas Blvd from the Gateway Center, for easy access after the dinner. To reach lot 20, exit lot 49 and turn right. Turn right again onto Welch St, and at the third light, turn right onto Eagle Dr. Follow Eagle Dr all the way until the end, and turn right onto North Texas Blvd. The Gateway Center is on your right hand side; lot 20 will be to your left after about 250 ft. (See the parking map.)

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